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Ethical Investments,
Positive Returns
Ethical Capital Fund
Where ESG investments and financial returns coexist
About Ethical Capital
Ethical Capital was established to meet growing demand from investors wanting to invest ethically without compromising financial returns.
We are a boutique funds management firm specialising in Australian listed equities, with a strong focus on ROI and investment fundamentals, driven by the philosophy that ethical investments are in the best interests of investors, society and the globe.
We conduct thorough research and only invest in listed equities that meet stringent qualitative and quantitative criteria, in the stable yet growing Australian listed-equities market which offers many long-term growth opportunities.
We overlay an ethical filter focussing on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) criteria which assures investors that their money will only be invested in ethical industries and companies. More than a feel-good factor: ethical investments have been shown to generate better financial returns than their non-ethical counterparts.
Why we're Different
Fund Commenced
Investments Held
Investments No.
Investment Focus Area
The Ethical Capital fund ("the Fund") is focused on performing over the long-term for investors:
Investors can expect significant hands-on engagement and updates
Focus on Australian listed investments meeting ethical criteria by experts who conduct rigorous research
Fund managers hold significant investments in the Fund
Fund structure incentivises performance
Hands-on flexible funds management style
Tax benefits though trust structure
Regular performance reports and annual audits
Our People
The fund, established and led by Adrian Gurgone (CA, MBA) in 2009, employs a small but highly skilled and dedicated team of experienced and qualified analysts, investment experts and fund administrators. We hone our expertise in the Australian listed environment with specific expertise in ethical investments which generate positive financial, social and environmental returns. We apply disciplined value-investing principles and key quantitative and qualitative metrics in analysing and selecting our portfolio.​
Our Investment Philosophy
The Benjamin Graham / Warren Buffet approach of "value-investing" best characterises the investment style of the Fund. The Fund focuses on research and company fundamentals. This is founded upon on-going fundamental research on listed companies to identify intrinsic value and invest where a "Margin of Safety" exists. Investments must also meet a further filter of ethical criteria.

Our Recent News
Chief Investment Officer Recent Blogs
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